Monday, December 31, 2012

Suede Vans

I never understood how my father could wear a pair of sneakers that looked brand new and were at least a decade old. I think it was the year of my first job when I first took notice of the fine condition of some of my own sneakers.  When I became a parent I fully understood the importance of buying quality and long lasting shoes.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Carlos Ulloa, Sr.

My father proudly carried faded pictures in his wallet of his kids and grand kids. He was married seven times. His swagger was reminiscent of Clark Gable and his parenting that of a Disneyland Dad. He manufactured mufflers and glass packs for race cars and low riders. I don't ever recall pissing him off. I learned to always be on my best behavior around him. I just wanted to be with him, near him. I don't ever remember hearing him complain or talk negatively about anyone including my mom. He loved living, woman, drinking, traveling, gambling, driving, his business, his kids, his pets, fishing, hunting, pool, baseball, the horse races and singing a ballad or two. "Martha" was his standard song after a few drinks. Compadre Leo was always close by to play the piano my sisters resented. My father left home at age 8 when his mom moved to London to become a nanny to an ambassador.  My father sold newspapers throughout Latin America. Meeting him you would never know he was on his own at such a young age. A resilient man who lived a colorful life. I have a ragged collection of his writing that he left with his aunt for safe keeping. She lost most but held onto his first poems. My father the lover. I see him in my sisters, my brothers, nieces and nephews. I even see him in my son. A complex man but I definitely know this old man was my father.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lane Marie

This afternoon I got to meet a good friend's first born.  A delightful and beautiful baby girl with big eyes and spiky hair. I know in a past life I had to have been a wet nurse since all I wanted to do was hold her and talk to her.  Kids slow you down in a good way.  Great to see the positive effect a child has on a family.  Signed a collection of my books in Spanish for her so she can become bilingual.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yesterday my father would have been 85. I had coffee, something sweet and a few beers in his memory. It has been over 16 years since he departed. I will never forget his smile, how he called my name or the way he made me feel.